Monday 9 June 2014

Day Old Hair

Day Old Hair

This morning I had one of those break through beauty moments, like when you finally work out which products is making you skin look so good or you've just mastered gel liner. I woke up looked in the mirror and actually thought my hair looked nice! I'd roughly curled my hair in about 15 minutes the morning before and without washing it or anything I'd just fallen asleep.

I use hair curling tongs to curl my hair and even though I'd had them for a couple of years now I can't seem to work out how to do a loose curl. I either get pretty tight curls that make my hair look huge or funny kinks in uneven places, there's no in between. Does anybody else have this problem? I think it's because my hair is very thick and holds a curl very well. But I think I have finally found a way to get that perfect beachy wave that I want so badly. And the trick is to curl your hair the day before and sleep on it! Means I don't have to bother washing my hair, a bit of dry shampoo bit sort that and it's one less thing to have to do in the morning while I'm rushing to get out the door!

I'll admit it looks a bit messy and maybe you can tell that my hair is a day old, but I like how it doesn't look perfect, it makes it more natural. Let me know in the comment below if you've ever tried this or you have any quick hair tips to share.


  1. I had the same problem too, but some months ago I found a way to make it work... My hair is a little bit freezy, so I straighten it slightly with a big rounded brush and a hairdryer and then curl it... It is time consuming and too much styling, but it works just fine! :)

  2. Thank you, I might have to try that :) xx
