Thursday 14 April 2016

Pandora Moments

Pandora Moments


Firstly sorry for the short break, I am now back at uni in Manchester after Easter and had a few things to sort out (coursework to catchup on!). I'm so sad that my Easter holidays are over, especially when my brother and my friends at home are still off. Although it has been lovely to come back and see all of my friends at uni.

During the Easter holidays I spent a bit of time helping my mum sort out her wardrobe and bedroom. I am someone who loves to have clear outs and keep my wardrobe very streamline and my mum is totally the opposite. We found clothes that she didn't even know she had from about 20 years ago! So during my recovery from my op, while I wasn't ready to do work but still wanted to get out of bed my mum and I sorted her closet and the rest of her bedroom. I won't really go into details, it was a very long process! But we managed to fill quite a few bin bags and her wardrobe doors can now shut!


We also sorted all of her jewellery, which consisted of a whole morning of untangling necklaces! Sadly there were a lot of broken things and single earrings but we did find a few treasures. In the depth of one of the drawers I found this Pandora box with the most beautiful earrings inside. My mum had completely forgotten that she even had these as she doesn't really wear stud earrings. And I think she caught me admiring them, because after days of sorting her wardrobe, jewellery, makeup, books and paperwork she gave them too me!


The studs are little silver ones with a blue stone and look so beautiful and delicate. I have already worn them once and love how classic they look. But for now I am going to keep them safe in the little box with the ribbon on as they have become some of the most precious jewellery I own.

I should probably try and get back to my coursework now, but I hope you are all well. Speak soon xx

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