Sunday 3 July 2016

Marrakech 2016

Marrakech 2016


It feels like forever since I last sat down and blogged. The last couple of weeks have been crazy! I went to Marrakech with my boyfriend for five days, came back and had a lovely family barbecue, started my new job at ASOS (I know!!) and by the end of this week I think it all got a little too much as I have spent most of this weekend in bed trying to recover from a virus! But now I am on the mend I am trying to get on top of things again, starting with posting on here a bit more.

I have so many posts I want to write and things I want to share, particularly all the beautiful pictures from Marrakech. But today I have finally finished the vlog of our holiday! This is the first video I have ever made so it isn't perfect or at all professional. But I am really happy with how it has turned out and I think that it will be lovely to look back at this video in a few years time and remember our amazing holiday.

So it would mean the world to me if you could have a little watch of my first ever YouTube video.

Expect some more Marrakech posts soon! xx

1 comment:

  1. Hallo!

    Ich mache mir im Moment Gedanken darüber, welches Diätmittel von Interesse wäre.
    Ich habe bereits massenhaft probiert, bloß nie
    Erfolge gehabt. Könnt ihr mir erzählen, was ich dabei
    zu berücksichtigen habe? Ich halte nichts von solchen Wundermitteln, die eine Menge versprechen, jedoch nur wenig halten. Deshalb nicht verkehrt
    interpretieren, ich will keine Wunderwaffe, aber es muss doch irgendwelche
    Pillen geben, die wenigstens ein bisschen helfen.

    Über Empfehlungen oder Informationen würde ich mich ziemlich freuen

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen
