Thursday 19 June 2014

End Of Exams!

End Of Exams! 

The mess in my room that I am going to sort this morning! And this is only one of the piles...

Yesterday marked the last day of my exams! So this is where summer really starts for me. I think in general my exams went alright although I did have a couple of very hard maths papers. But I've finished and I can't change anything now so I am just not gonna think about it and focus on all of the exciting things that I have planned for this summer!

This morning I'm having a bit of a sort out and a clear up. I'm accumulated a ridiculous amount of paper over the last couple of months. My desk is pilled pretty high with past papers and notes so I am very excited to throw it all in the recycling and have a nice clear desk again! It's probably a bit sad that after exams most people will want to go out and party and all I want to do it catch up on sleep and clear my bedroom! 

So I'm hoping that I be able to spend a lot more time on my blog and I'll have a lot of exciting thing to share with you. Summer really is my favourite time of the year. Right now I'm heading out with my bestfriend to see The Fault in Our Stars in the cinema. I'm actually so excited because I read the book and loved it and I've watched the trailer only about 100 times! So I hope that all of your summer's have got off to a great start! 
Lots of love xx


  1. Replies
    1. I know! I've spend the last few days at the beach and it has been so lovely :) Thank you for the follow, just followed you back :) you have such a nice blog xx
